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A young person smiles at the camera gesturing with arms wide open.

Children and Young People's Activities

Special Interests Club

Every Wednesday (term time)

Quick summary

Audience type
Autistic adults (16-25)
Running time
Wednesdays, 5:30 - 7:30pm
  • Arts Centre Washington

Additional information

Access information

Venue video tour

Social story


Free pizza included at every session

If you cannot make it on the day, please get in touch so we can offer your place to someone else. Email

Event description

Join our special interest club – a friendly weekly session for autistic young people (aged 16-25) and their parents/carers.

Explore and celebrate special interests:

Gaming, music, fandom, animation, dungeons & dragons, photography, DJing, trains and transport, manga and much more!


What is Autonomy?

The Special Interest Club is part of Sunderland Culture’s Autonomy project.

Autonomy is a new, creative programme for autistic individuals living in Sunderland. It has been set up to help autistic young people (16-25) to socially and creatively connect with other autistic young adults and their carers. We believe that autistic adults should have the freedom and ability to enjoy creative and cultural opportunities, whilst being respected as individuals with unique needs and preferences.


Participant's name(Required)
Participant's preferred name(Required)
Parent / Guardian's name(Required)
Will the participant attend the club with a parent/carer?(Required)
Are you interested to hear more about our Autonomy programme, including more opportunities and ways to engage in SEND programmes and activities?(Required)

Film and Photography

We sometimes take photographs of and film some of our events and activities. Sunderland Culture would like your permission to capture images of yourself/the participant through video, audio or photography, which we would only use to reasonably promote Sunderland Culture's programmes. I understand that:
  • images will be held in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018
  • images captured in the video/audio recordings and/or photographs will be the copyright of Sunderland Culture and any other intellectual property which arises will also belong to Sunderland Culture
  • images may also be shared with trusted project and funding partners to reasonable promote Sunderland Culture
  • I can ask Sunderland Culture to stop using images at any time, in which case they will not be used in future publications, but may continue to appear in publications and material already in circulation.
I consent to statement above:(Required)
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For more information, please read our Privacy Policy
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The Autonomy project is generously supported by the Association of Independent Museums (AIM) Connected Communities programme, which is funded by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport’s Know Your Neighbourhood Fund, through Arts Council England.

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