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Creative You
Creative You is a project to engage young people in Washington in creative activities and experiences and also supports young people’s emotional and mental wellbeing, and self-esteem and confidence to help them progress.
The project is funded by Washington Area Committee over two years, based from in Arts Centre Washington and led by Sunderland Culture in partnership with Washington Mind.
Creative You sits within Sunderland Culture’s commitment to improve the outlook and aspirations of children and young people in the city, as part of its mission to improve life for everyone in Sunderland through culture.
This programme aims to develop the skills and confidence of 450 young people aged 11 – 19 from all backgrounds to tell stories that are important and relevant to them through arts.
Young people’s creativity will be showcased and celebrated through public presentation of their work to build connections and sense of belonging:
- A series of creative taster sessions to launch the programme;
- A Young People’s Steering Group to shape and frame the programme.
- Establishing three ‘Creative You’ groups offering regular participatory activities in different areas of Washington (one of which will be ACW)
Opportunities to showcase work to the wider community through high profile exhibitions, events and activities in public spaces. Including building on this year’s Bright Lights Youth Art Festival at ACW.